Saturday 1 May 2010

Robin Hood Tax wins by a clear margin

Lobbying emails are pouring in at this stage of the election.
But in the last two days one huge lobby has come crashing into my inbox - email after email asking will I support the Robin Hood Tax


I've signed up.
I ask everyone who reads this blog to sign up too.

But we need to do more. The Robin Hood Tax needs to go along side the two proposed IMF bank taxes so that we have three ways of getting the banking system under control.

And by the way - compared to the daylight robbery of us, I don't think of the Robin Hood Tax as us robbing the banks back - I think of it as a kind of redistributive justice.

If we're ever going to save planet earth and the billions of us on her then this has got to happen.


  1. I wish you all the very best for Thursday Moira. You would make an honest, sincere and proactive MP.

  2. Many thanks for your vote of confidence.

    I have had a warm reception everywhere I've been, in towns and tiny villages - and also many Labour supporters have said (hugely apologetically) to me that they feel they must vote Lib Dem in order to not have a Conservative MP in Central Devon.

    I would like everyone to vote Labour, but I do understand their feelings about their dilemma. My great hope is that after 6th May who-ever holds power will see their way to changing our electoral system.

    I read an article in the Independent which said that in 1950's only 1 in 20 people voted tactically. The figure in the last election was 1 person in 4. The Tories claim to be the party for change, but they don't want to change to a PR system because they know it wouldn't favour them.

    Thanks again. We're nearly there now.
