Monday 12 April 2010

Foxhunting Tories Go To Ground

Perhaps feeling hounded by the media, and belatedly beginning to sense
what a vote-loser it is, every Tory candidate in the SW played foxy
on their own issue of voting to repeal the Hunting Act.
Not one of them was prepared to appear on yesterday's
BBC Politics South West Show.

At issue was – their own Tory proposal
to hold a free vote in Parliament on repealing the Hunting Act.
Supposing they win the election, that is.

Given the total Tory appearance turndown the Politics Show
  questioners had content themselves with the solidly anti-repeal answers from Martin Jevon, Labour Candidate for Taunton, and a Lib Dem Candidate who could have been a Tory stand-in, his views certainly not following his Party’s majority on the issue.

Remember, a repeal of the Hunting Act not only lets loose the fox hounds once more, but would once again set dogs upon stags and hares.

So what were the BBC findings? How would  the South West’s main party candidates vote on this issue? The BBC got  a high reply rate - of 110 candidates only 7 seven failed to reply.

Against repeal – all 22 Labour Candidates who replied, all 15 Green candidates who replied, 13 of the Lib Dems and 3 of the UKIP candidates. No Tories came out as against repeal. (53 Total)
Pro repeal – 18 of the 23 Tory Candidates who replied, 3 Lib Dems, 9 UKIP candidates (30 Total)

The rest (Tories, UKIP and Lib Dems) said they were undecided or would abstain.

If you don’t want foxes, stags and hares
killed by dogs for sport again
don’t vote Tory - vote for Labour.


  1. The only way to stop the return of fox hunting is to stop the Tories returning. For more comment see;

  2. Thanks Jeremy.
    The BBC website shows my Tory oppo as voting pro-repeal of the Hunting Act were there to be a free vote in Parliament.
    Everyone who is thinking of voting for him ought to know this.
    Please help spread the word.

  3. I hope the tories do not get in purely based on the hunting issue. This barbarism is sick and has to stop. The law needs tightening not repealing. If they can treat animals this way, what hope do we have? Lynsey

  4. Thanks Lynsey,
    Many countryside people are against fox-hunting but are afraid to speak out.
    Thankfully people like you do speak out.

  5. There are many people who have lived and worked in the country, and ridden horses all their lives, and we do NOT support hunting!!

    None of my born and bred rural friends support hunting, but several are afraid, with good reason, to say so publicly.

    Thank you for your stand Moira
